Wednesday, May 03, 2006

5.03.06, When Ms. Post Hales You

[afternoon edition: Franky Scale: I feel 6/7, but it is sunny in Seattle and since Himself Frank arrives tonight, I'll bump up to a solid 8.]

Has anyone ever stopped to notice that some of us wake up at different times than others? For that matter, do any of us realize we often live in different time zones? One more, do we ever stop to think that a text message sent before 7 a.m. in the Mountain Time Zone would arrive at a cell phone in the Pacific Time Zone before 6 a.m.? If one of the receiver's major goals for over a month now has been to try and sleep continuously through one single night, an early morning call or text message might be, well, a real pain in the ass! So much for sleep.

NO CALLS OR TEXTS BEFORE 9! Please. Also, by now all of my sisters agree they want their real names used, so Stacey, Sheri, and Sue. You've all been great, loving, held nothing back, but sometimes one out there likes to call/text quite early in the morning. Can I please ask that no one call or text me before, say 9 a.m., unless it's an emergency? Thanks. During my normal work schedule, yes, I'd usually be up, around, and out close to 6--right now, I'm trying to sleep as much as my body will let me. I already get up some nights at 1:30 am, or 3 am, or 4:45 am, or 2 then 3 and 5. It's the problem itself. This therefore is the new directive from Emily Post; may she haunt you for breaking the rule.

SUPPORT GROUPS: I also wanted to reemphasize the difficulty of this situation--having a family member die of cancer, and then to have it happen to one so young, having it come suddenly, etc.--the difficulty of course on myself but on family too. What I'm writing here then is actually for my own family, though if there are any readers with family members/loved ones who are sick, it might help you as well. Since I'm not the sibling of a cancer victim I can say exactly what it's like--but in addition to my parents' grief, Stacey, Sheri, and Sue have all been hit hard. Communication seems strained sometimes; other family issues expand and displace themselves; fights might break out or irrational silences ensue. To help with this I'm giving you a phone number I've already given and told people to call before--deaf ears--I'm afraid. But will you all please get in tough with these people--even though based at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, they can help you find similar groups either online or in Salt Lake City:

at SCCA, Patient and Family Resource Center (206) 288-2081 / fax (206) 288-2105
(for the curious) SCCA, Nutritional Services (206) 288-1148
SCCA, Patient Financial Services (206) 288-1113

Please call and see how they can help. They have social workers, financial advisors, shrinks, and many others who can help with the long distance, travel issues, treatment plans and alternatives, why my so-and-so won't talk to me about such-and-such. It's important, and something all of you need to take the initiative on; I have several initiatives I'm already trying to take care of, so please take some steps to take care of yourselves with groups that have experience with this. Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hee hee, im so glad it wasnt me that was texting so early in the am. BUT i know who it was!!!! little sis dont take it wrong, just playing with you. the phone is your dear friend ;)

scott i will get in touch with someone ;P i feel like im in a support group all the fucking time at work. but its all good. have many sending very good thoughts your way, do know the tough road for you.

love you always and find your strength and humor doing just what it needs.
