"Someday I'll Be Sitting in a Dingy Bar"
Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007
a collection of poems, by Hwang Jiwoo.
Hwang Jiwoo: Author & Poet of:
"Someday I'll Be Sitting in a Dingy Bar"
with Professor Scott H Swaner, one of the co-translators.
This beautiful, yet often hauntingly dark collection of Korean poems
can be purchased at: www.tinfishpress.com.
As Scott's family, and our recently getting to know the great and talented people of TinFish Press, we have grown to admire and value our new kinship with them. More, to appreciate and respect their vision, and the passion and dedication they put into each of their creations.
They are a generous and creative bunch of people, who seem to work endlessly.
They are enthusiastict with each individual book they print, each cover they create. Creating opportunities for new writers, who might otherwise not get heard.
"The Dingy Bar Book" became available for purchase a little over six months, after Scott passed away from Pancreatic Cancer.
Being a part of the translation process, making "The Dingy Bar Book" available for english readerhip, along with co-translator, Young-Jun Lee, was one of Scott's most treasured gifts.
He felt honored to be a part of its creation and to work with and learn from such a gifted poet; the eloquent & brillant Hwang jiwoo.
As one of Scott's sisters, I view "The Dingy Bar Book" as part of Scott's legacy and definition.
His love, appreciation and passion for all things Korean--
most especially, its people and their voices.
Our thanks, to Susan M Schultz, editor, creator and publisher of TinFish Press.
"Someday I'll Be Sitting In A Dingy Bar"
can now be purchased at amazon.com.
In addition, there are other writings, poems
and translations of Scott's, that are in the process of being published.
He also wrote a memoir, of sorts, though he wasn't able to complete it in toto before he passed away.
Interesting, educational, and sometimes just fun !
Many of Scott's fondest recollections; of friends,
family and experiences are well documented.
( I had no idea his memory was that good )
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or have anything to add.
And by all means, continue to add a comment or express your feelings on this ( his ) blog.
In less than a month, on December 20th.,
will be the one year anniversary of the loss of Scott.
Yes, the Holidays, reliving and recalling the pain he suffered and endured, has been difficult.
Yet when I think of Scott, more than anything,
I think of someone who lived a determined and purposeful life, even, and maybe especially, when
he was dying. He LIVED.
My thanks to all of you who loved and cared for him. His new friends in Seattle, and the friendships he enjoyed forever-- both significant, and an intrigal part of who he was, and became.
Also, thank you so much for the many kindnesses,
comfort and support you have given and offered to my family and I through out Scott's illness and after his death.
I don't think I would have made it through this past
year, without the love of my friends, and the love and support of Scott's friends.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude.
I hope this finds all of you well.
Much love,
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